OFP Testing / ATE
OFP Testing
Operational Flight Programs
Operational Flight Programs (OFPs) refer to software programs in aviation electronics embedded computer systems, and our testing environment provides real-time support, realistic simulation software, and full aviation electronic hardware testing, and advanced technology system failure adaptability.
· Provides hardware and software platforms for testing OFP mounted on UUT, LRU, IMA System, etc.
· Minimize the preparation/development time for HW and SW in the environment.
(Apply RTNgineTM, TestNgineTM, and MissileNgineTM Product for OFT Testing)
· ICD management through software tool kits, various test tools, and automated test environment are provided.
· Support for monitoring/analyzing tools to verify test results.
· IO signal interface test, functional test by module, simulation test of failure, integrated linkage test of entire system.

Radar Interface OFP개발환경
Established the development environment for KFX AESA RI OFP
(RI OFP : Radar Integration Operational Flight Program)
Development contents
・ VxWorks 653(Real-Time Operation System) development environment server
・ Platform Simulator environment(virtual hardware environment)
・ Establish Evaluation of physical environment same as real equipment
Work Scope
・ Designs RI OFP based on VxWorks 653 3.0 and establish the development environment for testing
・ Establish the virtual target simulation environment for MC(Mission Computer) Evaluation
・ Verification interoperation between each partition / development software of error injection model
・ Hardware Platform, operation software and device for control/interlock of MC Evaluation
Automation test equipment for LRU function inspection and depot maintenance
· Spectrum HS is an automatic test equipment for integrated function testing applicable to defense and aerospace development, mass
production, and depot maintenance. It is a high-performance system that enables real-time testing of boards, assemblies, and systems
that are difficult to check with existing equipment, especially high-speed bus and I/O tests.
· Designed around PXI and LXI measurements, Spectrum HS has the performance, flexibility and completeness required to meet strong
analog, digital, mixed signal and bus test specifications.
· Inspection SW development can be accelerated using Teradyne's Integrated Test Program Set. (TPS)
장거리 공대지 유도탄 점검장비
Establishment Test equipment for the ground test of a long-range air to surface guidance missile
Development contents
・ Input - Output device : Control PC, Monitoring equipment, MILS simulator
・ Guidance Missile Test Console(#1 ~ #3) : Power Controller, Communication allotter, Control PC
・ Device to measure PYRO
Work Scope
・ Test for supplying power to long-range guidance missile
・ Inspection signal interface
・ Test for the process of launching missile

・ The JTAG Boundary Scan (IEE Std 1149.1) was developed to address the
fundamental technical problems faced by existing PCB assembly test equipment.
(e.g., micropitch, many pins SMD Package, especially BGA).
· The JTAG Boundary Scan feature has recently been built into many devices, which
allows easy access to pins.
· Regardless of device package type or complexity without external probing, test
signals can be transmitted between devices without physical probing from outside.
· In summary, the JTAG Boundary Scan can dramatically reduce time and cost for
PCBA board testing and programming