A equipment that simulates sending and receiving
MIL-STD-1760 based ICD messages according to
the air-to-missile launching sequence.
Applied Field
・ Development of Store Management Computer (SMC)
・ Development of Air-launched Missile (Store)
・ Flexibility
-Message Drag & Drop to create various test scenarios
-Design and Run Scenario without compilation
-Message Auto Generation by ICD import
・ Accuracy
-Real-time timing guarantee and data monitoring using RTOS(VxWorks)
-Simulink based SMC/Store model design for logic and code Integrity
・ Efficiency
-Written scenario re-usage
-Scenario and project history management
-Test result reporting
・ Error Injection and Verification
-Timing/ MIL-STD-1760 Message Error/Status Error
■ Hardware
・ VxWorks based Real-time Computer
・ Host PC for User Interface
・ MIL-STD-1760 Interface
・ Additional Interface (SDLC etc.)
■ Software
・ mStudio
・ ICD Manager Lite
・ SMC/Store Model
・ MissileNgine Core
■ mStudio for Platform
・ SW tool for designing and testing timelines from the SMC aspect.
■ Features
・ Time Line(1760) Design
・ Scenario Management
・ Additional Signal In/Out Test
・ Launch Sequence Display
・ Test Result Display
・T est Condition Manipulation
・ Test Result Report