Avionics SIL
SIL(Systems Integration Laboratory)
The Systems Integration Laboratory (SIL) is an integrated ground test environment for the development of aviation and electronic systems.
It is used as the most effective tool to verify the reliability of the functions and performance of all aviation and electronic systems.
It is the best solution to test while integrating actual equipment and LRU software models.
It's not about building an aircraft, it makes it possible to fly.
It is a complete solution for aircraft-level system integration testing in the laboratory.
SIL is an integrated ground test environment for integrated testing of radar, avionics, engines, and various armament that high-performance aircraft must have in place in a similar environment and method to the actual flight situation.
In the process of integrating aircraft-mounted equipment into a single aircraft, incongruity or frequent system collisions occur. In other words, it plays a role in harmonizing almost all the hardware and software that make up the aircraft, from the aircraft development stage to the final completion and testing stage.
The accuracy and completeness of the SIL play a key role in reducing the risk of aircraft development and shortening development costs and development periods.
The SIL environment provides all integrated aviation and electronic equipment interworking environments for functional and software verification of mission equipment and helps analyze errors that occur during system integration.
In actual flight tests, virtual model implementation and fault injection, convenient switching tests of simulation models and actual equipment, abnormal mode detection, and various error analysis functions must be provided to enable testing in extreme flight environments including abnormal modes that cannot be performed.
Real-time processing must be possible for high reliability of test data.
Therefore, SIL construction requires more manpower, time, and highly accumulated experience than any other equipment development.
REALTIMEWAVE has developed an RTNgine solution optimized for building an SIL environment through long experience in manufacturing a test environment.
We have launched a flexible and well-integrated test solution with a proven simulation
engine that complements model-based workflow.
It ensures data reliability under strong multi-core CPU and real-time OS environments, supports most of the interfaces required by the latest technology, and enables fast simulation in conjunction with a variety of model development environments (Matlab/Simulink, C, Fortran, etc.). It also provides products with a variety of functions, from deriving test needs to managing large amounts of ICDs and accurate analysis and automation of test data.
Using REALTIMEWAVE’s SIL solution means that you don't spend a lot of time building and setting up an SIL environment, but only focus on actual tests. This already has a very important factor in project success.
비행체 통합검증환경
차기군단무인기 체계 통합 시험 및
항공무장시험을 위한 시뮬레이션
환경 구축
Development contents
・ 비행체, 임무장비, 데이터링크 체계 및 지상 통제 체계간 통합 점검 및 시험 환경
・ 무인기 탑재 항공전자장비와 비행조종컴퓨터의 지상시험환경 및 검증 환경
・ 장비간 연동상황을 종합적으로 시현하는 종합전시장비 구현
・ 실시간 비행자료 획득/ 저장/ 시현/ 분석장비 구성
Work Scope
・ 통합시험을 위한 모의 시험환경 개발 (ISTS)
- 항공전자 시뮬레이션 컴퓨터 (ASC)/ 비행조종 시뮬레이션 컴퓨터 (FSC) 제작
・ 항공전자/비행조종/세부계통 LRU 연동을 위한 AEC 제작
・ 통합 시험을 위한 영상생성장치/ 간이지상모의장치/ 비행데이터 분석장치 제작
・ 체계메세지(ICD)모니터링 장비 제작
・ 통합시험 환경 운용을 위한 운용 소프트웨어 및 탑재장비 소프트웨어 모델 개발
누리호 (KSLV II)
발사체 SIL
KSLV II 발사체 SIL 시뮬레이션
코어 제작
Development contents
・ KSLV-II(한국형발사체) 자세제어시스템 (6DOF자세제어알고리즘) 및 텔레메트리 유닛 설계 및 제작하기 위한 검증환경 구성
・ 발사체와 연동되는 전기적 인터페이스 검증
・ 실시간 모의시험(HILS)과 통합 시뮬레이션 시험 운용을 위한 장비 제작
Work Scope
・ 6DOF 발사체 비선형 시뮬레이션 프로그램 구동 및 시뮬레이션 수행
・ 자세제어 시스템 및 텔레메트리 유닛 동작 특성에 관한 시뮬레이션
・ Fault 상황 모사를 위한 Fault Insertion 기능
・ Data Monitoring 및 GUI(Graphic User Interface) 구현
항공무장체계 SIL
LAH(소형무장헬기) 항공전자 체계 통합 시험을 위한 항전무장 SIL제작
Development contents
・ OTC, ASC, AEC, WC, EW 등 SIL 연동 시험 환경 제공
・ SMFD/SCDU 항전 통합시험을 위한 실시간 시뮬레이션 환경 제공
・ 25종 이상의 항공전자 LRU 모의 소프트웨어 공급
・ 모델 및 실장비 통합시뮬레이션 수행 및 SIL 시험을 위한 가시화 환경 제공
무인기 SIL / HILS /
체계 SIL 개발
무인기의 항공전자 SIL 및 비행조종 HILS 를 통합한 체계통합시험을 위한 지상시험 환경 구축 (비행체 체계 SIL)
Simulation Platform
Guaranteed Real-time performance Fully Integrated Test Environment
A complete and optimized solution
It provides a complete
solution optimized for
SIL test requirements.
High quality,
Fast supply
High-quality products can be provided through systematic testing and products verified
with many applications and experiences can be supplied quickly.
Various test
analysis tools
You can experience
new technologies of the test through various analysis tools
that are accurate and
consider user convenience.
Automation test environment
The overall test process
from demand analysis
to test performance and
results and document
derivation is automated.
You can feel a new chapter.